Many people think of ADHD as primarily an issue with kids, but more and more adults are being diagnosed with ADHD or remain undiagnosed. What was manageable as a kid may not be now with the increased demands as an adult. Smith and Segal explain, in the article “ADHD in Adults”, “The more balls you’re now trying to keep in the air—pursuing a career, raising a family, running a household—the greater the demand on your abilities to organize, focus, and remain calm. This can be challenging for anyone, but if you have ADHD, it can feel downright impossible.” Just like students with ADHD, dealing with executive dysfunction, anxiety, etc., can benefit from an academic/ADHD coach, adults can also benefit greatly from a professional supportive support system.
StudyWise is now offering ADHD coaching for adults. Life is hard to manage for a lot of us, but more so for those struggling with ADHD or ADHD symptoms if undiagnosed. Feeling overwhelmed can be paralyzing, which just further adds to stress, anxiety and being down on oneself. We are here to support your journey of feeling more confident and in control of your home life and/or work. Email or call at 503-789-3184 for more information and a free consultation.